dialog_s-01_Customs Inspection
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A: Which is your baggage?
B: These two suitcases.
A: Is this all?
B: That's all.
B: I have to inspect them. Please open them.
B: Right away.
B: Do you have anything to declare?
B: I have a few packs of cigarettes.
B: That's all right. You are allowed to take in that amount. What else do you have?
B: I don't think I have anything else to declare.
B: Any nylon stockings, perfume, cigars, or liquor?
B: No, sir, I have none of those things.
B: And these things here, are they all for your personal use?
B: Yes, these are all my personal belongings.
B: Very well. You may close your bags.
B: Do I have to pay any duty?
B: No. Everything, is all right.